
Frank Willems is connected as Manager Design and Architecture to VZVZ and as visiting professor to TIAS School for Business and Society Tilburg and Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen. He combines his technical experience in the world of social communications with his skills as a leadership expert, based on successful principles of digital transformation and Agile, Lean and DevOps.

Frank Willems’ further education studies were done in tandem with his training and career as an organization and informatics expert in the Dutch army. In this capacity Frank Willems developed decision support systems, the basis of his current interest in using technology to support personal training and performance. After his army career, he became a management consultant at Pink Elephant, helping them to establish professionalization of the IT management work area with ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) and to grow from 10 employees to over 2000 by the time he left.

He believes that everyone is a ‘self-leader’ and this stems from knowing your own capabilities and the ability to outsource any further required skills that you need to complete a task, very much like commercial companies. Technology plays a big part in this ‘personal outsourcing’ process, the technology being the internet; social networking sites and knowledge locations.

In his current capacity as Practice Lead and Principal to Quint Wellington Redwood, a Dutch Sourcing and IT management consulting firm, Frank Willems uses his skills in the commercial arena to help individuals and companies to restructure, grow and manage change efficiently. However, he also is a youth sailing coach and supports the Dutch National sailing team where he combines his knowledge of personal development with his understanding of the technical application and experience in leadership development to help sports men and women to maximise their sporting ability.

All this knowledge and experience he will share with Hanze University so that the students and researchers can improve the way they look at problems in the quest for optimum performance in ‘real-life’ situations. His thought leadership is based on the expert area of leading and directing entrepreneurial networks in traditional sourcing solutions (outsourcing, shared services, collaboration) and 3.0 solutions (Crowdsourcing, social media).

“You need to know your own abilities before you can start to collaborate with other people,” says Frank Willems, “then you can start to outsource your needs. The old world was based on demand and supply, the new world is collaborative one with the internet providing the catalyst for people and skills to meet. We are not restricted by boundaries or physical locations. Everything is possible without boundaries.”

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